My Toshiba Laptop

Posted by Just Me on 5:47 PM

My parents gave it to me when I was eighteen years old. It was a really special gift `cause I had been waiting for it since a long time. And, I have to say it, my Toshiba laptop changed my life. For real!

My old computer it was not a personal one. That PC was (and still is, because it belongs to my mother now) a desktop one, and I couldn`t move it anywhere. It was (and still is) in my bedroom, in my house.

My Toshiba laptop, however, is great because I can go any place I want with it, it`s faster than the other one and it has so much more memory and softwares.

I can do everything I like on it. I can write, watch videos on YouTube, download a lot of music and, in general, surfing on the internet.

I really like my notebook! :)


Hi Carlos, very touching.

Nevertheless, the due date for task 4 was, May 9th. Therefore, I will have to penalize you dicounting one point from your final grade.

This is the marking criteria I used for task 4:

-All aspects of the task are very well handled: 3 points.

-Excellent use of lexical resources: 3 points

-Grammar is excellent and almost error-free:3

Total score: 9 pts: 7.0 - 1 = 6.0

See you in class.


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