Ken Robinson`s talk on TED

Posted by Just Me on 4:50 PM

I couldn`t be any more agree with what Ken Robinson said on TED.
He started his conference talking about the future and how difficult is to us to see it, to imaginate it. And that´s true, due to multiple tecnologies steps the last time has been place.
He thinks that creativity is a really important part of education, but schools doesn`t get it that way. "We are educating people out of their creativity" he says. And he is right.
He also says that been wrong it´s not a crime, but schools today doesn`t really allow to their students to be wrong, and cut their creativity with lot of work and no art.
Robinson argues that the educational system today is preparing only college teachers, and that really talented child are not able to expressed theirslefs.
"He champions a radical rethink of our school systems, to cultivate creativity and acknowledge multiple types of intelligence" says on TED´s website.

You can watch the talk if you follow this link: http://bit.ly/101CR


Hi Carlos, good ideas but your English is really weak, this time.

I suppose you know that you will be penalized by discounting one point from your final grade for your tardiness.

This is the evaluation criteria used:

All aspects of the task are very well handled. 3 points

Some problems with word formation and usage. Occasional lapses in coherence that hinders clarity of message. 1 point

Grammar is weak with noticeable errors. 1.5 points.

5.5 points Grade: 4.5 - 1: 3.5


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