Transantiago sucks!
Posted by Just Me
4:01 PM

I never knew the old transportation system. I´m not from Santiago so I never got on a yellow bus. But like everybody says that system must be much better than the current one. This one sucks! it´s really slow and uncomfortable. The worst part is that I have to travel on it like an hour from my house to the University every single day. And then, the way back of course.
I dont like this system. I think the goverment spent a lot of money on it and nothing good came out of it. Is like a joke to the people. A bad one.
Thounsands of people suffer everyday because of this system. They can´t reach any bus, because at the peak hour these are full. And there aren´t enough to the entire Satiago population.
And although you can see the city through the windows, I rather the subway than the bus. The bus is the slowest and most of the time stinks. It stop in every red light and also, of course, in the bus stops.
The subway, in the other hand, is faster. If you are hurry, you can calculate how much you late to go somewhere and the subway take you there in that time. The bus not. But the bad thing about the subway is that you can´t see outside and also is really difficult to get a sit.
In summer, the both alternatives are really uncomfortable because of the heat... but I don´t wanna remeber that. Not yet.